iC@fe ได้ส่งไฟล์ใหม่:
[Ap Software] Mini Announcement Blocks [English] - XenForo allows you to add 3 mini announcement blocks to your platform at the same time
[Ap Software] Mini Announcement Blocks [English] - XenForo allows you to add 3 mini announcement blocks to your platform at the same time
[Ap Yazılım] Mini Announcement Blocks plugin allows you to add 3 mini announcement blocks to your XenForo platform at the same time. With this feature, you can easily make multiple announcements and effectively communicate them to your users. Thanks to its fully customizable structure from the admin panel, you can organize your announcement areas as you wish.
Announcement text change: AdminCP >> Installations >> XF Options >> [Ap Yazılım] Mini Announcement Blocks